3 Common Pipedrive Pipeline Mistakes

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Effective pipeline management is crucial for optimizing sales processes and driving business growth. Pipedrive, a leading CRM tool, offers robust features to streamline sales pipelines. However, common mistakes can hinder its potential. This post highlights three prevalent Pipedrive pipeline mistakes and provides practical solutions to enhance your sales efficiency and performance.

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Overcomplicating Pipeline Stages

Explanation of the Mistake
Many businesses create too many stages in their pipelines, leading to confusion and inefficiency.

Example Pipeline Steps with Mistake (B2B Software Company)

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Demo Scheduled
  3. Demo Completed
  4. Technical Qualification
  5. Budget Approval
  6. Proposal Drafted
  7. Proposal Reviewed
  8. Proposal Sent
  9. Proposal Follow-Up
  10. Negotiation
  11. Legal Review
  12. Contract Signed
  13. Closed Won
  14. Closed Lost

Why it’s a Mistake
Overly detailed stages can overwhelm sales teams, lead to missed opportunities, and make tracking progress cumbersome.

Simplify pipeline stages to core milestones.

Improved Example Pipeline Steps

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Demo Scheduled
  3. Proposal Sent
  4. Negotiation
  5. Closed Won
  6. Closed Lost

Justification for the Improvement
Simplified stages make it easier for sales teams to manage and focus on essential actions, leading to better performance and higher conversion rates.

Stages That Don’t Match the Customer Journey

Explanation of the Mistake
Misaligned pipeline stages that don’t reflect the actual customer journey can create disconnects and inefficiencies.

Example Pipeline Steps with Mistake (B2B Software Company)

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Product Interest
  3. Product Understanding
  4. Proposal Sent
  5. Negotiation
  6. Closed Won
  7. Closed Lost

Why it’s a Mistake
When stages don’t align with the customer journey, important steps may be overlooked, leading to poor customer experience and lower conversion rates.

Align pipeline stages with the customer journey.

Improved Example Pipeline Steps

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Demo Scheduled
  3. Technical Evaluation
  4. Budget Approval
  5. Proposal Sent
  6. Negotiation
  7. Closed Won
  8. Closed Lost

Justification for the Improvement
Aligning stages with the customer journey ensures all necessary steps are covered, enhancing customer experience and improving sales efficiency.

Ignoring Post-Sale Stages for Customer Success

Explanation of the Mistake
Failing to include post-sale stages for customer onboarding and success can lead to missed opportunities for long-term relationship building and upselling.

Example Pipeline Steps with Mistake (B2B Software Company)

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Demo Scheduled
  3. Proposal Sent
  4. Negotiation
  5. Closed Won
  6. Closed Lost

Why it’s a Mistake
Without post-sale stages, the business may struggle with customer retention and miss out on upselling opportunities.

Incorporate post-sale stages for onboarding and customer success.

Improved Example Pipeline Steps

  1. Initial Contact
  2. Demo Scheduled
  3. Proposal Sent
  4. Negotiation
  5. Closed Won
  6. Onboarding
  7. Customer Success Review
  8. Upsell/Cross-Sell Opportunity
  9. Closed Lost

Justification for the Improvement
Including post-sale stages ensures customers receive proper onboarding and support, leading to higher retention rates and potential for additional sales.


Simplifying pipeline stages, aligning them with the customer journey, and incorporating post-sale stages are essential for maximizing sales efficiency and customer satisfaction. By avoiding these common Pipedrive mistakes, businesses can streamline their sales processes, enhance customer experiences, and boost overall performance. Regularly review and optimize your pipeline to ensure continuous improvement and success.

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