The Evolution of My Startup: How CRM Scaling Became a Game-Changer

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Before diving into our CRM journey, let’s shed some light on SchedGo. SchedGo is an AI & ML-based degree planner and class scheduler designed to simplify the educational journey for students. Our growth strategy is methodical: we target a new university, focus on acquiring a critical mass of student users—aiming for at least 20% of the student body—and then leverage that user base to secure a B2B contract with the institution. This approach not only ensures that we have a significant user engagement but also positions us as a valuable partner for educational institutions.

The company had been in operation for six months, and even in that short span, it had managed to garner a loyal user base. My initial interactions with the platform left me impressed. The user interface was intuitive, the features were innovative, and the feedback from students was overwhelmingly positive. It was evident that SchedGo was a product born out of genuine need and meticulous craftsmanship.

However, as I delved deeper into the company’s marketing strategy, a glaring gap became evident. While the product was top-notch, the marketing machinery behind it seemed to be running on fumes. There was a significant reliance on word of mouth, which, while powerful, isn’t the most scalable strategy for a budding tech startup. The data on user acquisition was scattered, making it challenging to discern which marketing strategies were effective and which were redundant. It was like having a high-performance sports car but no roadmap to navigate the vast landscape of digital marketing.

It became clear to me that if SchedGo was to reach its potential and cater to the vast student population it aimed to serve, a marketing transformation was imperative. And at the heart of this transformation? CRM scaling. The potential of a well-optimized CRM system to streamline marketing efforts, provide actionable insights, and ultimately drive growth was undeniable. The journey ahead was clear: harness the power of CRM to build a robust, scalable marketing foundation for SchedGo.

The Marketing Landscape

Before my tenure at SchedGo, the marketing landscape of the company was akin to a ship sailing without a compass. The product was stellar, and its organic growth was a testament to its efficacy and value. However, the marketing strategies in place were largely ad-hoc, driven more by intuition than data.

Word of Mouth Dominance: The primary driver of user acquisition was word of mouth. Students who found value in SchedGo naturally shared it with their peers. While this organic growth was heartening and showcased genuine user appreciation, it was unpredictable and lacked the structure needed for scalability.

Scattered Data: There was a wealth of data being generated every day – from website visits to user sign-ups. However, this data was scattered across various platforms and tools, making it challenging to derive actionable insights. The lack of a centralized system meant that the company was missing out on understanding user behavior, preferences, and the effectiveness of different touchpoints.

Undefined User Journeys: The pathways through which users discovered and engaged with SchedGo were not clearly mapped out. Were they finding out about the platform through social media? Were online search queries leading them to SchedGo? Or was it through on-campus events and seminars? The ambiguity made it difficult to allocate resources effectively and refine strategies.

Limited Digital Presence: While SchedGo had a presence on various digital platforms, the efforts were not cohesive. The brand messaging varied across channels, and there was no consistent strategy to engage and nurture potential users.

Reactive, Not Proactive: The marketing approach was largely reactive. Initiatives were often in response to immediate needs or challenges, rather than being part of a proactive, long-term strategy. This reactive stance meant that SchedGo was always a step behind, trying to catch up with the rapidly evolving digital marketing landscape.

In essence, while the product was a masterpiece, the marketing canvas was blank. The potential was immense, but the strategies in place were not equipped to tap into it fully. It was evident that a paradigm shift was needed – one that would not only refine the existing processes but also lay the groundwork for innovative, data-driven marketing strategies.

Why CRM Scaling Was the Answer

The Importance of Understanding and Engaging with Our User Base

In the startup world, every decision feels like a crossroad. The path you choose can either propel you forward or set you back. For SchedGo, it became clear that to truly connect with our users, we needed a deeper understanding of their journey with us. It wasn’t just about numbers or sign-ups; it was about knowing their preferences, their interactions, and their feedback. This understanding was the key to not only retaining our existing users but also attracting new ones.

How We Chose a CRM

Choosing a CRM was no walk in the park. With our lean team and the constant race against time, we needed something that wouldn’t demand extensive hours from our developers but would still pack a punch in its capabilities. After many late-night discussions, demos, and weighing pros and cons, Klaviyo caught our attention. It wasn’t just about its features; it was about the potential it held for SchedGo. The SMS strategy it offered felt right. It seemed like a natural extension of our word-of-mouth growth, giving it a more direct and personal touch. And let’s be honest, in today’s digital age, who doesn’t check their texts? Another aspect that tilted the scales for Klaviyo was its adaptability. As a startup, we’re constantly evolving, and we needed a tool that would evolve with us, allowing us to experiment, learn, and adapt. Klaviyo’s flexibility in letting us tailor our outreach strategies felt like a breath of fresh air.

With Klaviyo on board, the horizon looked promising. But it wasn’t just about the tool; it was about the vision we had for SchedGo. CRM scaling was our ticket to creating more personalized, meaningful interactions with our users. It was about moving away from the one-size-fits-all approach and truly valuing each user’s unique journey with us. By harnessing the insights Klaviyo provided, we could craft strategies that resonated, that felt genuine. It wasn’t just marketing; it was building relationships. And in the end, isn’t that what startups are all about? Building and nurturing relationships, one user at a time.

Implementing CRM Scaling at SchedGo

Diving into the world of CRM scaling was both exhilarating and daunting. We were charting new territories, and every decision carried weight. But with a clear vision and a dedicated team, we embarked on this transformative journey.

1. Laying the Groundwork: User Onboarding Sequences

From the outset, we recognized the importance of making every new user feel welcomed. Our automated onboarding sequences were designed not just to introduce users to SchedGo’s features but to also provide resources and tips tailored to their academic journey. This immediate touchpoint became a cornerstone of our user engagement strategy.

2. Diving Deep: Analytics of On-Site User Behavior

Surface-level metrics weren’t going to cut it. We integrated in-depth analytics to understand user interactions, identify the most resonating features, and pinpoint potential pain points. This data-driven approach became the bedrock of our automation strategies.

3. Tailored Experiences: User Segmenting

Every student’s journey is unique. By segmenting our users based on behaviors, preferences, and academic progress, we ensured that our outreach was always relevant, whether it was guidance for a first-year student or graduation tips for a senior.

4. Amplifying Word of Mouth: Affiliate Program

Our organic word-of-mouth growth was significant, but we saw an opportunity to amplify it. By introducing an affiliate program, we not only incentivized our loyal users but also ensured that new users had a trusted testimonial to lean on.

5. Connecting the Dots: Improved Attribution Tracking

In today’s digital age, understanding user acquisition channels is crucial. With enhanced attribution tracking, we could allocate resources more effectively, refining our strategies based on what truly worked.

6. Bridging the Online-Offline Gap: Scalable Forms for On-Campus Events

Our on-campus presence was a pivotal user acquisition channel. By integrating scalable forms into our CRM, we ensured a seamless transition for users, whether they discovered us online or during an on-campus event.

Collaboration was the linchpin of our success. Our tech team’s relentless efforts ensured smooth CRM integration, and their expertise was invaluable. Regular brainstorming sessions between the marketing and tech teams ensured alignment in vision and execution.

As we delved deeper into CRM optimization, we identified specific strategies that supercharged our growth:

  1. Hyper-Personalized User Onboarding Sequences: When we integrated Klaviyo, our onboarding sequences underwent a transformation. By segmenting users based on their academic year and major, we achieved a 35% increase in email open rates and a 20% uptick in platform engagement.
  2. Real-time Analytics for Immediate Action: Identifying a trend where users abandoned the course selection process midway, we swiftly implemented an automated email nudge, reducing drop-offs by 15% within a month.
  3. Leveraging User Segmentation for Targeted Campaigns: Segmenting users allowed us to craft targeted campaigns. Midterm study tips, tailored to specific courses, reinforced our commitment to each user’s success.
  4. Amplifying Referrals with an Affiliate Program: Our CRM’s tracking capabilities turned users into brand ambassadors. For instance, when Sarah, a sophomore, introduced friends to SchedGo, our CRM’s gesture of gratitude turned her into a loyal advocate.
  5. Integrating Offline and Online Data for a Unified View: An event at UC Davis saw over 200 sign-ups in a day. Our CRM’s immediate segmentation and onboarding sequences ensured this momentum was not lost.

At SchedGo, our CRM wasn’t just a tool—it was the backbone of our growth story, a testament to the power of understanding users and crafting resonating strategies.

The Results: A Marketing Transformation

The proof, as they say, is in the pudding. Our foray into CRM scaling wasn’t just about implementing a new tool or adopting a new strategy; it was about driving tangible results. And the numbers spoke volumes.

1. Exponential Growth in Users

The most telling statistic was our user growth. In the recent Fall 2023 enrollment term, SchedGo experienced a staggering 250% increase in users compared to the previous year. But what was even more impressive was the growth trajectory from one term to the next. From Spring 2023 to Fall 2023, we saw a 358% surge in users. This wasn’t mere incremental growth; it was a clear indication of the snowball effect our CRM strategies had initiated.

2. Skyrocketing Site Engagement

Beyond just user acquisition, our site engagement metrics were equally promising. Over the last 30 days alone, we had over 1,700 site visitors. These weren’t just fleeting visits; users were actively engaging with our platform, exploring its features, and more importantly, finding value in what SchedGo had to offer.

3. Improved User Retention

While acquiring new users is essential, retaining them is equally crucial. With our tailored onboarding sequences and hyper-personalized outreach, we noticed a significant uptick in user retention rates. Students weren’t just signing up; they were sticking around, relying on SchedGo for their academic planning needs.

4. Valuable User Feedback

One of the most rewarding outcomes of our CRM scaling was the feedback loop it established with our users. We started receiving more feedback, both praises and constructive criticism. This feedback wasn’t just a testament to our growing user base but also provided invaluable insights. It shaped our subsequent marketing strategies, ensuring that we were always in tune with our users’ needs and expectations.

5. Amplifying Advocacy with the Affiliate Program

Building on our word-of-mouth growth, we integrated an affiliate program into our CRM. When Sarah, a sophomore at one of our target universities, introduced five of her friends to SchedGo, our CRM automatically sent her a thank-you note along with a gift voucher to a popular local café. Such gestures, powered by our CRM’s tracking, turned our users into brand ambassadors, amplifying our reach and reinforcing the trust in our platform.

In conclusion, the transformation in our marketing approach, powered by CRM scaling, wasn’t just about numbers. It was about building a community of engaged and satisfied users, ready to champion SchedGo’s mission. The results were clear: with the right tools and strategies, even the most ambitious growth targets are within reach.

Lessons Learned and the Way Forward

Embarking on the journey of CRM scaling at SchedGo was akin to navigating uncharted waters. While the results were overwhelmingly positive, the path was riddled with challenges, insights, and invaluable lessons. Here’s a reflection on our journey and a glimpse into our future plans:

1. The Power of Personalization

One of the most significant takeaways was the undeniable impact of personalization. While generic messages might reach a broad audience, it’s the tailored, individualized communications that resonate deeply. Our hyper-personalized onboarding sequences and segmented campaigns reinforced this belief. Moving forward, we aim to delve even deeper into user analytics to craft even more personalized user experiences.

2. Continuous Feedback is Gold

The feedback loop we established with our users proved to be one of our most valuable assets. It not only helped us refine our existing strategies but also provided direction for future initiatives. We plan to further strengthen this feedback mechanism, possibly introducing periodic surveys and feedback sessions to stay aligned with our user base.

3. The Affiliate Program’s Potential

Our affiliate program’s success underscored the potential of leveraging our existing user base for growth. The organic, trust-based growth driven by our users was more effective than many traditional marketing channels. We’re looking into expanding this program, introducing tiered rewards and more engagement opportunities for our brand ambassadors.

4. The Need for Agility

In the dynamic world of startups, agility is paramount. There were instances where our initial strategies didn’t yield the expected results. However, our ability to quickly pivot and adapt was crucial. As we move forward, fostering a culture of agility and adaptability remains a top priority.

5. Investing in Training and Skill Development

While tools like Klaviyo are powerful, their true potential is unlocked only when the team using them is well-versed with their functionalities. We learned the importance of continuous training and skill development. In the coming months, we’re planning on hosting regular training sessions and workshops to ensure our team stays ahead of the curve.

The Way Forward

With the lessons of the past in our arsenal, we’re looking to the future with optimism and ambition. Our immediate plans include expanding our reach to more universities, refining our affiliate program, and introducing new features based on user feedback. We’re also exploring partnerships with educational institutions to further integrate SchedGo into the academic ecosystem.

In essence, our journey with CRM scaling was not just a chapter in SchedGo’s story; it was a turning point. And as we pen the next chapters, the lessons learned will be our guiding stars, ensuring that our growth is not just exponential but also sustainable and user-centric.


As I look back on my time at SchedGo, it’s evident that the journey has been nothing short of transformative. From the early days of identifying gaps in our marketing approach to the strategic implementation of CRM scaling, every step has been a lesson in innovation, adaptability, and the relentless pursuit of excellence.

The growth we witnessed, both in terms of user acquisition and engagement, stands as a testament to the power of CRM scaling. But beyond the numbers and metrics, it’s the stories of our users, the students who found clarity in their academic journey through SchedGo, that truly underscore the impact of our efforts.

While our experience at SchedGo is unique in its nuances, the potential of CRM scaling is universal. It’s not just a tool for startups looking to make their mark. Businesses of all sizes, across industries, can harness the power of CRM to foster deeper connections, understand their audience intricacies, and tailor experiences that resonate on a personal level.

A Word of Advice for Startup Founders

Stepping into the world of startups is a thrilling yet daunting endeavor. The highs are exhilarating, and the lows can be humbling. As someone who’s navigated the intricate maze of startup growth, particularly in the realm of CRM scaling, I’d like to share some pearls of wisdom for fellow founders:

1. Embrace the Learning Curve

Every startup journey is unique, filled with its own set of challenges and opportunities. Instead of fearing the unknown, embrace the learning curve. Every setback is a lesson in disguise, and every success, a testament to your resilience.

2. Prioritize User Experience Above All

Your users are the lifeblood of your startup. Prioritize their experience above everything else. Listen to their feedback, understand their pain points, and continuously strive to enhance their journey with your product or service.

3. Stay Agile and Adaptable

The startup landscape is ever-evolving. What works today might be obsolete tomorrow. Cultivate a mindset of agility and adaptability. Be ready to pivot when needed and always keep an eye out for emerging trends and technologies.

4. Build a Strong Team Culture

Your team is your biggest asset. Foster a culture of collaboration, continuous learning, and mutual respect. Celebrate successes together and support each other during challenging times. A motivated and cohesive team can surmount even the most formidable challenges.

5. Don’t Shy Away from Experimentation

Innovation is the cornerstone of startup growth. Don’t be afraid to experiment with new strategies, tools, or approaches. While not every experiment will yield positive results, the insights gained are invaluable.

6. Focus on Sustainable Growth

While rapid growth is enticing, it’s essential to ensure that your growth is sustainable. Avoid shortcuts and quick fixes. Instead, invest in strategies and practices that promise long-term benefits and stability.

7. Seek Mentorship

No matter how skilled or knowledgeable you are, there’s always room to learn. Seek out mentors who’ve been in your shoes, tap into their experiences, and learn from their successes and mistakes. Their guidance can be a beacon during uncertain times.

8. Celebrate Small Wins

The startup journey can be overwhelming, with a constant focus on big goals and milestones. However, it’s crucial to pause and celebrate the small wins along the way. These moments of joy and recognition fuel motivation and remind you of the progress you’re making.

9. Stay True to Your Vision

While adaptability is essential, it’s equally crucial to stay true to your startup’s core vision. It’s what sets you apart and gives your endeavor purpose. Let it be your guiding light, even as you navigate the complexities of the startup world.

10. Prioritize Self-care

Last but not least, remember that you are the driving force behind your startup. Prioritize self-care, ensure a work-life balance, and remember to recharge. A well-rested and healthy founder is more equipped to lead and inspire.

The startup journey is a marathon, not a sprint. Equip yourself with knowledge, surround yourself with a supportive community, and always remember why you started. Your passion, combined with perseverance and the right strategies, will pave the way for success.

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